'', 'playoro.com' => 'ZXlKcGRpSTZJbnBJV25ZM1IwOTFWbTVNT1hCVWJWZFRSRFZ1Y0hjOVBTSXNJblpoYkhWbElqb2lhbVo1VEVKQlVtMXhRV05WVWpaTWRYZDJORmQ2WnowOUlpd2liV0ZqSWpvaU1HVmpOMkl6T1RnNE0yTXhPRGcwTURBek9ERTRNMlJrTnpGaVl6WmtabU0yTkdZeE1ESTNaRFkxTVRGaU4yTmxNelJpTWpnNE5XVmpZVE14WldZeU1pSXNJblJoWnlJNklpSjk=', 'plazaplay.com' => '', ]; // Get the current domain $currentDomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // Check if the current domain exists in the array if (array_key_exists($currentDomain, $domains)) { // Use the specific HTML for the matched domain $sealLicense = $domains[$currentDomain]; } else { // Fallback content if no domain matches $sealLicense = 'No license for this domain'; } // Function to fetch and return the value of the first tag's src attribute function getImageSrc($url) { // Fetch the page content $pageContent = file_get_contents($url); // Check if the content was fetched successfully if ($pageContent === false) { return 'Failed to retrieve page content.'; } // Create a new DOMDocument instance $dom = new DOMDocument(); // Suppress warnings due to invalid HTML and load the page content libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadHTML($pageContent); libxml_clear_errors(); // Get all tags $images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img'); // Check if any tags were found if ($images->length > 0) { // Get the src attribute of the first tag $imgSrc = $images->item(0)->getAttribute('src'); return $imgSrc; } else { return 'No tags found on the page.'; } } $sealUrl = "https://cert.gcb.cw/certificate?id=" .$sealLicense; $imgSrc = getImageSrc($url); ?> Regalutory Seal target="_blank"> alt="GCB Certificate of Operations" width="150" height="85">